Friday, April 30, 2010

Do we really know what we are suffering from?

In today's world it seems there are more names for ailments and diseases than ever before in history. The Medical Society has a set of rules for conditions and diseases they have given names to. Like a point system, if you have more of one thing together with another condition that qualifies it equals a certain condition or disease. This has never seemed very logical to me. So we have Russian Reulet wheel type of conclusions. And just because he or she is the doctor, and you are the patient, you are supposed to take what he says for gospel. Well here is some food for thought based on some research that Bea Lydecker did some years ago. I highly respect this woman's work. What she says makes sense to me plus I have seen her knowledge along with her dietary supplements work miracles in more than one case.

Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/Epstein Bar, Hepatitis C, Non-Hodgkin's, Lymphoma, MS, HIV.
these I feel are caused from the Simian 40 Virus(read about Simian 40 at (, But given different names by where it attacks the body. Hepatitis C attacks the cells in the liver. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma attacks the immune cells in the Lymph glands and is technically not a cancer that usually doesn't respond to conventional cancer treatments.
HIV attacks the T Cells that eat cancer, TB, skin eruptions and tumors of any kind. No matter what propaganda tells you, it has never been proven that HIV causes AIDS, but was assumed it did because it is often present in AIDS patients. There are many other factors causing AIDS such as life styles, etc. Many HIV victims don't even get sick or show symptoms because they are able to maintain a high T cell level, so they never get AIDS in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. One is considered to have AIDS when their T Cell count drops to a certain level, which it can do even when you have cancer. Fibromyalgia/CFS/Epstein Bar are all the same disease where the virus attacks the muscles. The symptoms of the Fibromyalgia are as follows: the more you exercise the weaker you get, one day you will feel good and energetic and suddenly it is as though someone has taken a syringe and sucked out all your energy and you are so tired you can hardly move. You have almost constant pain in the back of the neck, elbows, outside of the knees and in the tendons going to your heels making you feel you have bone spurs or can't put your heels down on the floor and walk.. Pain and weight gain are your constant companions. It also causes fibrous growths in the blood vessels and for women, growths on your internal organs while men will develop lumps just under the skin. One can be bedridden 23 out of 24 hours a day, This happened to Bea Lydecker,but now she lives a full life, working,writing books, showing dogs and traveling with her husband. With prayer and her own knowledge of herbs and the anatomy she was able to heal herself .Many have gotten well from the system she has developed. It is combination of natural herbs that cleans the liver and the system and then rebuilds the immune system.  The only failures she has encountered along the way, has been when people, through psychological reasons, could not seem to let go of the disease or they didn't believe they could get well. The mind plays a great roll in physical health.

The bottom line is that in order to get well you have to kill the virus plus rebuild the immune system. The Simian 40 virus attacks the cells destroying the RNA (outside cell membrane) so slowly that you hardly notice it is happening until it is at a critical stage. This is when no nutrients and oxygen can get into the cell and the cell waste can't get out for the body to eliminate it. By the time this happens, your liver is congested and not functioning up to capacity causing all kinds of symptoms from irritability to appetite irregularities, insomnia,and even chronic constipation. This will all clear up on the program I have developed. It is called The Cleans and Rebuild Program. It consists of 4 steps, taking several products for a period of 6 months... sometimes longer depending on the condition one has. True healing is a life change and it takes time.
Now there is a hemopathical treatment for  arthritis...  there has been a successful treatment for arthritis on the market, developed by a government researcher named Diehl, for about 50 years, but the AMA had it under patent for 35 years. The patent is now off, so we can get it. It is getting phenomenal results in not just controlling the pain, but getting rid of it so you can function normally again. It is called Cytal-Myrastolate. 

I believe that The Lord's herbs along with following a code of health such as the "Word of Wisdom" (Word of Wisdon from LDS Church, Word of Wisdon Diet) like the LDS Church has, will be the means by which man will be able to survive in the future. We cannot just keep putting band aids on our pain.

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