I think "Sister Wives" is a refreshing look at the positive aspect of this lifestyle. Any publicity in the past about Plygomy has been negative, stained with perversion, and connected to the Mormon Church trying to make the Church look bad.
My belief in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ has not wavered. That being said, I do not condemn others for their choices in life styles. Thats exactly what it is, a lifestyle. Who we chose to love is our choice and no one has the right to judge or punish for it. Even though I do not agree with the kind of lifestyle these people have chosen, I admire the fact that you can see that they are making it work better than most monogamous relationships around. They are not hurting anyone and they are bringing up healthy strong children who will be good citizens. This is why, If the Law presses charges and tries to break up this family, I will be one of the first to raise hell! I will picket and do what ever it take s to fight it. There are a lot of good things that can come from the plural marriage lifestyle. What young mother of little children couldn't benefit from having help from loving sisters who would care for those children as their own? What comfort it would be to be in a big loving, caring family where everyone watches your back? Such security. Where children have a whole team of friends to depend on. I wish the world would embrace the positive aspect of things and quit dwelling on the negative possibilities. This is just my opinion, but it give others something to think about so I express it.
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